
Limited Time Sale – 85% OFF

The #1 Most Advanced
ChatGPT Prompt Bundle On
The Planet

Over 10,000 proven and tested ChatGPT prompts.
The Ultimate ChatGPT add-on for faster work.

Become a prompt genie yourself!

We believe ChatGPT is fundamentally changing the way we work.

But,you need to know what to ask.

Regular prompts include little to no advanced features with varied output quality per each request. This produces average and mediocre results.

Advanced prompts allow you to unlock more features with predictably better results for various manual tasks in certain specific fields.

That's why we've vetted and found the top proven prompts to automate most areas of your work.

Automate 2,300+ tasks

From marketing, sales, support, HR to startup, real estate and agency work.

10,000+ mind-blowing prompts

Trusted and vetted for uncanny performance.

The most advanced prompt pack on the planet.

With over 2,300 tasks and 10,000 prompts.

Unlock peak ChatGPT
performance with
PromptGenie Bundle


ChatGPT needs exact phrases. ChatGPT is a piece of smart code, not a human.

It takes time to find quality prompts. There’s a lot of trial and error involved in finding prompts that generate good results.

More complex tasks require advanced prompting. The more complex the task, the more advanced the prompt required.

Just a single word can ruin results. Slight wording change or punctuation can change output results.

Using PromptGenie Bundle Pack

saves you time

compared to when using ChatGPT the regular way

Using PromptGenie Bundle Pack

saves you time

compared to when using ChatGPT the regular way

Using PromptGenie Bundle Pack

saves you time

compared to when using ChatGPT the regular way

Automate work for all the
mundane marketing-related tasks

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


marketing prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks

Generate more revenue with these
ready-made battle-tested prompts

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


sales prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks

Take the load of your support operations
with ChatGPT helper prompts

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


support prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks

Automate your agency faster with
proven and tested agency prompts

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


agency prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks

Find more time in your day-to-day tasks
with hundreds of productivity prompts

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


productivity prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks

Set up, design & overview websites
easier than ever with proven prompts

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


setup prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks

Manage, sell and list real estate faster
and easier with ChatGPT prompts

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


real estate prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks

Fly through & automate all the day-to-day
virtual assistant related tasks

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


VA prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks

Build your next big startup in a matter of
days, not weeks, with proven prompts

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


startup prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks

Speed up most HR-work by delegating
most common tasks to ChatGPT

Included in PromptGenie Bundle Pack


HR prompts


tasks to automate


tips & tricks


And counting. That’s how many prompts are in
Prompt Genie Bundle Pack – with lifetime email update.

Choose your task.
Choose your prompt.
Let it rip.

Prompt Genie Bundle Pack includes over
10,000 prompts in various niches.

So you can automate most of your work, in seconds.No matter the niche, task, or area of work.

Can you think of
2,325 tasks you
can automate?

The good news is you don't need to.

We’ve collected and tested most tasks in most areas of work.
So all you need to do is just simply pick the task, the prompt and use peak ChatGPT
to your advantage.

With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, automate


With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, take care of

HR work,

With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, generate more


With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, automate

agency work,

With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, build your


With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, boost your


With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, speed up

web development,

With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, ease up


With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, manage your

real estate,

With PromptGenie Bundle Pack, replace your

virtual assistance.

Buy once,
use forever.

Zero subscription, zero paywalls.
Lifetime access, Lifetime email updates.

PromptGenie Bundle Pack

PromptGenie Bundle Pack

Only ₦25,200 or ₦168,800 when bought separately


1,352+ prompts


1,003+ prompts


1,287+ prompts

HR work

1,254+ prompts

Agency work

1,011+ prompt


1,115+ prompts

Real Estate

1,099+ prompts


1,142+ prompts

Virtual Assistance

1,265+ prompt

Web Development

999+ prompts

Based on customers reviews

Copy & paste prompts. Unlock ChatGPT fully.

Simply copy & paste these exact prompts and skip all the hard work.

Holy *%&# this is amazing! I've never been able to get great result using ChatGPT – most of the time they were mediocre. Now however, it almost feels scary what I'm now able to do just by copying some of these prompts into my workflow. Killer prompt pack!
David Moss
Marketer / $30M+ in Revenue

Your only way to break the current time; money cycle and save more time and money 👇

With this #1 Most Comprehensive ChatGPT Prompt Bundle, you will:

All you need to do is click the button below and buy the most comprehensive ChatGPT prompt bundle in the world.👇

Reviews ❤️

For me, ChatGPT has been a game-changer, but this prompt pack has elevated it to new heights! The prompts are extremely detailed and simple to utilize. 🔥 Thanks!
Henry Tega
Performance Marketer
I'm loving the variety of prompts in this pack! There's something for every type of marketing campaign. Tried other AI tools, but promptgenies Prompt Pack is one of the best investments I've made this year.
Mike powel
Marketing consultant for SaaS
As a brand owner, time is everything. I can't afford to waste it on endless brainstorming sessions and little tasks. This prompt pack has been a lifesaver! 💪
Jane Tegan
eCommerce Brand Owner


Why use pre-made prompts instead of manually typing questions into ChatGPT?

With prompts you can unlock never-before seen features of ChatGPT. Plus, using ready-made prompts can generate way better results. Even the slightest sentence change or wording change can change output results.

Anything from analyzing your competition, to crafting goals & OKRs, to writing blog posts and generating content ideas. Our PromptGenie Bundle pack includes over 2,000+ actionable tasks you can automate using ChatGPT. And it includes more than 10,000+ prompts to go with all of these tasks.

This prompt is made for all people looking to scale their impact exponentially through the power of AI tools such as ChatGPT.

Once you purchase the product, simply check your email and click the Download button or login into your account on to access your product and enjoy exploring the power of advanced chatGPT prompts

We haven’t found any ChatGPT Prompt Pack which includes as many as 10,000+ prompts, and 20,000+ actionable tasks from 10 different areas of work. PromptGenie Bundle Pack also includes lifetime updates, which we’re constantly improving.

Exactly! This is why we’ve distilled all the essential prompts you’ll ever need into one easy to follow pack. Instead of finding winning prompts, simply use our ready-made prompt templates to save time.

No worries! Feel free to chat us up at if you have any further questions – we’re happy to help you out.

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